The TV Series
The Secret Cabaret TV series ran for two seasons in the early 1990s on Channel 4. It was a unique groundbreaking format conceived and created by Simon Drake that featured his bizarre original illusions uniquely presented for the late-night set a late night audience with illusions crafted around adult themes of bondage, dungeons, mad max stylised industrial metal spikes and rusty old chains.
The Show
Last night after X Factor we got our spook on @ Simon Drakes in LDN! I HIGHLY recommend this experience! SO FUN!
Katy Perry, verified account@katyperry
Experience Simon Drake's Secret Cabaret LIVE, with its unique blend of tongue in cheek horror, astounding magic in an extraordinary themed venue that will blow you away. Enjoy our sumptuous buffet and a cabaret of insanely vibrant illusions including freakish amputations and of course, hungry voluptuous vampires.
There are a limited number of tickets available for each show, get yours fast to secure the best seats! On ticket purchase you will be sent a map so you can enter the gates to this incredible theatre of illusion.
“The best night out I have ever had in London”
Marc Almond (Evening Standard Interview)
If you are a fan of the TV series, for a limited time you can get a 15% loyalty discount and using code SECRETCABARET15
“You SHALL be amazed”
Zoe Williams